
La paraffina Italwax:
  • è altamente purificata e delicata
  • ha un’eccellente combinazione di oli naturali e componenti vegetali
  • ha un ampio assortimento di fragranze
  • è comoda da usare
  • è piacevolmente profumata


Paraffin Olive

Paraffin Italwax is: highly purified delicate paraffin excellent combination of natural oils and vegetable components wide assortment comfortable in use pleasant flavours


Paraffina Limone

Paraffin Italwax is: highly purified delicate paraffin excellent combination of natural oils and vegetable components wide assortment comfortable in use pleasant flavours

Paraffin Italwax is: highly purified delicate paraffin excellent combination of natural oils and vegetable components wide assortment comfortable in use pleasant flavours

Paraffin Italwax is: highly purified delicate paraffin excellent combination of natural oils and vegetable components wide assortment comfortable in use pleasant flavours


Paraffina Pesca

Paraffin Italwax is: highly purified delicate paraffin excellent combination of natural oils and vegetable components wide assortment comfortable in use pleasant flavours