We all know how important it is to use only the best products available when treating other people’s skin.
Being able to provide accurate information on the wax we are using and knowing only high quality raw materials are used in the productive process is important, especially in the beauty sector.
Our loyal customers know how important it is for Italwax to ensure all products are safe to use and made from the best (and safest) raw materials. For this reason, we believe having a combination of internal quality checks and external audits help us (and our partners)Â keeping high standards and make us accountable for what we do.
We know the world is facing quite a challenging time at the moment and the whole socio-economic situation out there is strongly impacting raw materials, transport and many important aspects, but if there is one thing we don’t want to compromise is the quality of our products, in fact we are proud to announce that we’ve just undertaken a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) audit and… WE PASSED IT WITHOUT NON-CONFORMITY!✨
A virtual cheers to everyone and a big thank you to all the customers who support us everyday!🥂